Odyssee Embryonale
by Gilla Cremer and Max Eipp
with: Gilla Cremer
directed by: Max Eipp
This turbulent comedy about the salvation promises of modern gene and reproduction technology was created in 1987 and has since been performed more than 250 times in the German countries. This sarcastic (and sole) comedy by Gilla Cremer has not lost any of its topicality. With lightning speed, the actress slips into many different roles: she plays the advertising agent Margot Varell, whose career ambitions force her have her foetus born by the Spanish cleaning lady Franziska; top dude Charly, Margot’s lover; the fussing mother; spiteful secretaries; or the brash Professor Hallogen, who accidentally clones eight copies of Margot’s „fruit of the womb“.
„A delightful and incredibly entertaining evening that makes your laughter stick in your throat.“(Sz)
„In the „Odyssee“ you have to rely entirely on Margot’s report, on Gilla Cremer’s exuberant art of dissimulation and imitation. She is assisted by a telephone and a few inconspicuous props.“ (FR)
„Sarcastic, saucy and witty. Gilla Cremer presents topics that invariably make the headlines and lead to heated debates.“ (OZ)